1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks
BRANDY1 AND GI NGER ALE. (Usealargeaoda-waterglas 1. ) One wine-gla s of brandy, •rwo or three small lumps of ice. Fill up th" glass wita ginger a le.
BRANDY AND GUM. (Use a large whiskey glaH.) One or t wo da~hes of gum syrup, One or t wo lumps of ice. Place a SP•>on in t he glass, and band with a bottle of bra ndy to the cust•,mer. - BRANDY; PONY. (Use a pony glass.) Set before the customer a small bar glass, and anothe1· con– taining Ice water. Fill a pouy gll•SS with best brandy, and pour it Into the empty glass.
t One-quarter sh erry gl!Lss of r"spberry s up, One-quarter sherry glass of maraschinc One-qua r ter sherry glass of cha r t·reuse (green). 'l'op it off with brand y a nd ser ve.
BRANDY SCAFFA. , (Use a ~herry glass.)
This drink must be proper ly prepared to prevent the dif– ferent colors from running into each other. They must a.p. pear separate.
BRANDY ST~AIGHT. (Uae a whiskey glass.) Put a piece of Ice in th e glass, ~et the bottle on the bar, and a llow you1· custome1· to help himself. The same for gin or whiskey straight.
0 COBBLER- California Sherry. (Use a large bar glass.)
One-h a.If table-spoon of•sugar, One pony of pineapple syrup, One a nd one-h a.If wme-glass of California sherry, F ill glass with fine ice. Stir well; dress with f ruits, and gently pour a. little porton t op. Serve with a. straw.
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