1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



COl;'IBLER- Califo rnia W ine. Same as California sh erry, substitu ting California wine.

COBBLER·- Calawba. (Use a large bar glass. j

One teaspoon f ul of fine wh ite s ugar, d issolved in a lit tle wa ter. One slice of ora nge cut into quar ters. F ill the glass ha lf full of sh aved IC<', t hen fi ll it u p wi th catawba wi ne. Orna ment the top with berries in season. and ser ve with a stra w.

COBBLER- Champagne. (Use a larg e bar glass.) One-qua r ter tA.blespoonfu l of sugar,

One-quarter wil1e-glass of s~·phon selters. dissol,·e well. One slice of ora nge, · One slice of lemon peel, · F ill the glass with ice. · · F ill th e bala nce with champagne, ornam ent t he top in a tasty m ani er, a nd serve it ; vith a stra w.

COBBLER- Claret. Same as catawba , u sing claret instead.

COBBLER- Hock. Same as catawba, using H ock wine instead.

COBBLER- Port Wine. (Use a large bar glass.) One-half tab lespotmful of s111mr. One uony J?lass of orchard syru p,

One-ba lfwin e-glass of water,dissoh ·e well with a spoon, F ill the glA.ss wit h fi ne ice. One a nd one-ha lf wine-glass of port wine. M:ix up well, a nd or nament with gra pes, berries, etc., in season, a nd ser ve. COBBLER-S~uterne. Same as catA.wba, substituting sauterne for catawba wine.

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