1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks
COCKTAIL- East Ind ia. (Use a la~ge bar glass.) Fill the glass with sb..ved ice, One teaspoonful or curacoa (red ), On~ teaspoonfu l o f pineapple s;'rup,
T wo or three clashes of bitters, Two dashes of marnschi no, ' On e wine-glassful of bra ndy. Stir u p with aspoon,strain i"nto a cocktail g lass,twlsva piece on emon peel on top, a nd serve.
COCKTAIL- Gin. (Use a large bar glass.) Fill up t he g lass ·.-.-ith ice, Two or t hree clashes or gum syrup, 'l.'wo or three d >Lshes o f bitters,
One clash of eit iler c uracoa or absinthe, One wine-g lass Of H ollund gin.
Stir up well, stra in in to a fancy cock tail glass, squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top, a nd serve. W h ether curacoa or a bsinthe is taken depends on which the customer m a y.desire.
COCKTAIL- Harvard. (Use mixing glass.) Fill gla ss with ice, One dash r,f g um syrup,
Three dashes of Boker's bitters, One pony of Ita lian vermouth, One pon y of branc! y. Stir, and stra in into cocktail glass ; lemon on top.
I COCKTAIL- Ja·panese. (Use a small bar glaH.) One tab lespoonfn! of orgeat syrup, 'l.' wo cl1tshes of bitt.e1·s, 1 One wine-1dass o f b ra nd y. . One n1· two pieces of lemon peEJl. Ftll t!:i!l ~µmbler one-thirrl with ice, stir well with a spoon, and stram mto " cockt.a1l glass.
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