1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks
COCKTAIL- Champagne. (Use a champagne goblet.) In mixing a ll cocktails, fill thf'\ fixin g tumbler with fine shaved or broken ice, before putting in the ingredients. For a cham pa gne cock tail it is best to place two or three lumps of clear ice at the bottom of the glass and then mix as fol– lows : a. small bottle answering for three, a nd a. large or qua.rt bottle for ~ix: . Two en· three small lumps of ice,
One or two slices of ora.nge, Two or three strawberries, One slice of pineapQle, One lamp of loa f sugar,
Two or three d ashes of bitters (Baker's or a.ngostura.) Fill the goblet with wine, stir well with a. spoon, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and sen •e.
COCKTAIL- Cincinnati- (U1e large bar glass,) One-ha.If glass of beer, Oue-h,.lf g lass of soda.
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COCKTAIL-Club. (Use large bar glass.)
Fill gl..ss h alf full-of fine ice, T wo dashes of gum. T wo dashes of ora.ngo bitters, One dash of chartreuse, One-third drink of I talian vermouth, Two-third drh;ik old Tom g!n_
Stir well and ser ve with e. oben Y-
COCKTAIL- Coffee. (Use a lar1e bar glass.) One teaspoonful powdered white sugar
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One fresh egg, One la rge wine-glass of port wiue, One pony of brandy, . T wo or three lumps of ice. .
Break the egg into the g lass, put m the sugar, and lastly the port wine, brandy a nd ice. Sha ke up very .thorough ly, a nd strain into a med ium ba r goblet. Grate a little nutmeg on top before serving.
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