1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



COCKTAIL Jersey. (Use a large bar glass.) ~nt;-hulf tab lespoonf u l of t.nga r, f.h1ee or fuu r lumps of broke n ice, I uree or tour d n"hes of bittt:rs, . U ne w10~-glus::; of J,!uod cider. M ix well and Htr 1li11 iu to u cucktuil glS!'B, a nd t wist a. piece of lelllon peel ou w p.

COCKTAIL- Manhattan. \ (Use• large bar glass.) F ill th e g!A.ss with ice, Two 0 1· t h ree dashes of gum syrup One or t wo clushes of bitters, '

U1rn da sh or c u1·>1cntL (or ttbsinthe if req uired). One-ha ir wine-1d 11ss of whiskey, . One-ha.If wine-glas" of Yerlllonth. · .Sr.ir up well, 8tra in in ro a fa ncy c-oc i

• I COCKTAIL- Manhattan Club Oyster.

Strain one-half a lem on into a la rge gob let. Oue or two du~hes o r' 1u.ba.sco snuce, U ne t ea.spoon ful of pepper sauce, A tr aCP. of vi n~~ar, ' A pinch of s11.lt, A Litt!<' r P.d pepper. A sligh tly la.rirnr qua ntit.y of white pepper,

T his e ntire a r ray l'urms but th " se11•oning for t he liqno1' or ha lf a d oze n f resh ly up1rned, succu len t Blue Point oysters. which is next adtled tu t lrn cou tent:> of the gl.aiIB, a nd com· pletes t he cockca il. /___ ·

COC,KTAIL- Morning. (Use medium bar glass.) Three or four cla~h'i>s of gum S"r up, Two d ashes of cura coa \r1•rl),

T wo riashes of Boker's or angostura. bitters One d ash of a bsinthe, One pony of best bran dy, One pony of wh isk ey, • One piece of lemon pe~l, twisted to ex tract tb e oh, T bree small lumps of ice. Stir thorough ly and n ·move t he ice. Fi ll th~ g las• with.se!t· z~r wat~r. u.nd ~ti r with u teaspoon hav 111 g:.u.httle s ugar1n lt.

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