1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



COCKTAIL- Marlini. . Sa me as Ma nhattan, substitu ting gin for whiskey.

COCKTAIL- Olli-Fashioned. (Use old-fashioned coolctail 'glau.) One l ump of snga.r, One squirt of seltzer water, then cr ush suga r, One J:!l~c~ of ice,

One a ash of ora nJ?e bit.ters, - One dRSh a n gosr.um bitters, One piece lemon peel, · One-half wine-g lass of whiskey. Stir gently and ser ve with a spoon.

COCKTAIL- Old Tom Gin. (Use a large bar glass.) F ill th e J?las s with fine shaverl ice, T wo or th i'ee dashes of J?Um syr up,· One or t.wo

One or two dashes of c u racoa or ab$inthe, if requi rell, One wine-g lass of Old Tom gir;i. · Stir up well wi th a spoon, st.rnin into a cocktail glass, twist a piece of lemon peel Oil top, a nd ser ve.

COCKTAIL-Oyate'r. (Use medium wine·gla&1.) T hree or fou r d Rshes of catsu p, Two medium-size us~ters, P epper a nd S1tlt t.o seRson well, One dash of lemou j uice, a nd ser~e.

I .

COCKTAIL- Ping Pong. (Use cocktail glau.) P 1wt.ly fi], J?lRSAwith c racked ice, Rmall .::na nt ity of ver mou th,


1'wo rlRshes of gum. T wn rlJ

Je .J?in, Rncl serve in cocktail J?l1tes with ch e r<"y. Th ie IA mRile simila r to a Manha ttan cocktail, but sloe gin I~ subs t.itu ted for wh iskey.

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