1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks




(U1e a large glass.)

Two dashes of orange bit ters, One d ash of a ngostn ra bitte1·s, One-quarter wine-glnss of :;catch whiskel'

c:: • One-quarter _wine-glass of F rench ver mouth. • t 1r well and st.ra m i11to cocktail glass ; twist a piece of lernun peel on top and serve.

COCKTAI L- Saratoga, No. 1. (Use'a small bar glass.) T"·o d ash es of angostm·a bitters, 1 'l'hree small lump~ of ice,

One pon y of brandy, One pony of whiskey, One pony of Yermoutli.

1 Sha ke up wPll, and then strain into a cla ret glass, a nd serve with a slice of lemon.

COCKTAIL-Saratoga, No. 2. (Use a large bar &lass.) Tbree..qna1·ters glnss of fine shaYerl icP, Two or thl'~e da• ht:s of pineapple syrup, Two or thr~e dasht:s of bitters, 'fwo or t hl't:e d ashes of maraschino, Three-qua rt.ers glass of fine olcl brandy. 11-Iix well wit h a b.-r spoon and pltLce two t>r three st raw– berl'ies in a fttn cy cock tail glass, strain it,, twist a piece of lemon peel over it, top it off with one squirt of champagne anp serv·e.

COCKTA IL- Silver. (Use a large glass.1 One dash of gum ,

Two datih'"s of orange bitters, Three d ashes of m a raschino, One-ha lf wine-glass of French Yermonth, One-ha lf wine-glass of gin. S tir wit h 8poon, straini into cocktail glass, and twIBt a piece of lemon peel on top.

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