1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



COCKTAIL- Soda. (Use a large bar glass.) One teaspoonful of s'?gnr. . Fom• or five lumps of b rnken ice, Three dashes of bit.ters, One or two slices of orange.

Fill up the glass with lemon soda water.

COCKTAIL-Star. (Use a large glass.) One-half glas• of ice, Two dashes of gum SJTUp, Two d ashes of orange bi uters.

One-quarte r wine-glass of I talia n vermouth, One-quarter wine-gla•s of applejack.

Stir and strain into cocktail glass.

COCKTAIL- Vermout h, No. 1. (Use a "'."" II glass.) One-half glass of fine ice, One and one-ha lf pon y of FrPnch vermouth, Three dashes of angostum bitters, Two dashes of gum syrup.

COCKTAIL- Vermouth, No. 2. (Use la rge a beer glass.) 'Three-qua r ters glass of shaved ice, Four or five dashes of gum, T~o,or three dash11s of bitters, I 1

One wine-gla!j_s of vermouth, Two dashes of marRschino.

~tir 11

~ well with a spoon, sti·ain it into a cocktail glass.

twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve.


COCKTAIL- Wh iskey. Same as gin, snbstituting whiskey for gin.

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