1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



COO l!.ER- Brunswick. (Use a large bar glass.) Juice of 011e lemon, One-h1tlf t able-~poon of powdered sugar One bottle of cohl ginge r a lt•, ' ::itir well; dress with lruit, and ser ve. • 1 ' I ' COOLER-Rocky Mountain. One egii. b eaten up,


On e-ha lf tablespoon of powdered sugar, Juice of one small ·lemon, .-\.dd c ider, stir well, grate a little nutmeg on top, if desired. •

COOLER-Re msen. (Use a large bar glass.) Two lumps of icf'.

Rind of one whole lemon in one long string, place in f g lass,

One wine-iilass of Olrl T om gi n, Fill glass with plain soda, cold .

COOLER-Saratoga. (Use a large bar glass.)

One te11spoonful of powdered white sugar, Juice of half a lemon, One bottle of g inger ale, • 'l'wo small lnmps of ice. Stir well and r emove the ice before serVing. I


COUPEREE. (Use a farge.soda glass.)

One a nd one-half pon y g lass of brandy, One po11y glass c ura!"oa (r ed) 1 . F ill t.110 glass 011e-th1rd full or ice cream. 1 horouc:hh' , aml fi.ll t he glass n en rli• full with plain Grate 8. little nutrueg on toµ_. and ser ve



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