1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



CUP- Claret, Hot.

T wo bot.t ies of clnr Pt, ~i x tll'ops ess~ncd of ginJ?Pr~ H '\lf n gill Of gin~"r ay1·11p. U11" qua rt Gf builrng wat.,r.

CUP- Crimean , a la Wyndham. For a party of Gve. One b ottle of champagne, Two boLtles ur soda-w..1e1-.

One IA.rge wine-glass of maraschino, One-h1'1f la r ge wirit:"l'(las of coguac. One-ha lf 11'r ge wine glass of ~u t·acoa, One ta bleRi;>Oonful or cruslrnrl Sllg>Ll'.

11-facerate the t h111 ly peeled r ind of ht1 lf Rn ora nge with the s ugar ; a dd t he m a raschino, cognnc, a ud c u 1·ac••"· i\ lix Lbor– oug bl y a nd a dd Lhe sod n-wnter a m t c hA.111pa 1!11o>. T he ad di– tion ur half a pound 9f pw·e ice is a g rt:at iwprove!llt:ll t.

CUP- Porter.

One bottle of ~orter,


One b ottle i

• M ix the por ter a nd ale in a cover ed jno: : nilil the bra ndy, s:r rup of 1<111ger and nutmeg ; cove11 !t a ud 1>xpose it to the cold fur ha lf au hour b efore spr ving.

DAISY- Brandy, No. 1. (Use a small bar glass.) Three or fnur rl n ~ht>S nf g nn1 syrup, One-ha !f the j 11 ic·" of " le lllon, Two or th r Pe dashes of orange cordial, O ne wi ne-glass of brA.nd r . Fill glH.Ss h a lf f ull o f fi ne ic.,, sha k e thoroughly, strain and fill up with st:ltzt:r water 'or a pullina ris.

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