1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



EGG NOGG- General Harrison. (Use a large bar glass.) Three or four small pieces of ice One fresh egg, ' . One tablespoon of s~gar. Fill the glass with cider shake well and strain; ser ve · with a little nutmeg on top. ' '

EGG NOGG- lmperial. (Use a large bar glass.) One tablespoon of sugar, One fresh egg, One-third glass of fine ice, One wine-g1ass of bra ndy, One-h alf wine-glass of J amaica rum.

F ill up the gla ss with r ich milk. Shake thoroughly in an egg-nogg shaker, uud strain. Grate a little nutm eg on top, if desired. H ot Egg Nogg-use bot milk a nd omit the ice.

EGG NOGG- Sherry. (Use a large bar glass.) One egg

One tablespoonful of sugar, One pony glass of branC:y, One w ine-glass of sh prry wine, Three or fou r lumps of ice. Fill the glass withmilk, sha ke well, and gr ate nutmeg on top.


FEDORA. (Use a large bar glass.) One pony of brandy, One pony of curacoa,

One-ha lf pony of J a mn.ica rum, One-ha lf pon y of bourbon. One tablespoonful of' powder~d sugar, dissolved in a little wa ter, . One slice of lemon. Fill the tumbler with fi ne ice ; slrn.k n well nnd orna ment with berries or small pieces of ora nge; serve with a su·a w.

FIX- Apple Jack. \ use a large bar glass.) Same as Bra ndy F ix, using apple jack inst.,ad.

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