1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



FIX- Brandy. (Use a large bar glass.)

One-half tab l~spoonfn) uf sugar, (

FIZZ- Brandy. (Use a larg e bar glass.) One-half teaspoon of fine sugnr. Juice of h1.Llf a lemon; One wine-glass of bra ndy,

One or two dashes of whi te nf egg, Tb r·ee-quarters g la•s of fine ice. Sha k e we ll. Str ain into a .fizz J?la••. F ill up with seltzer or vichy. This must be imbibtd lllllllt diutdy.

f'.IZZ -'Eagle. (Use a large bar glass.)

One ta blespoon of pulvPrizPd sugar, 'l'hree d ashes of lemon juice, White of one egf?, One wine-f?las of gin, One d>tsh of crem" d e vn.nllle, '.two

. · Fill the glass with milk, shii.ke well and strain, Finfl shaved icP.

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