1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



JOHN COLLINS. (Use • n extra large bar glass.) ; 1 ~hree-c.uarl.ers tablespoon ful of su 1 m r wo or three clashes of lemon juict>. • Two dashes of lime juice

Four oy five small lumps 1 of ice, One wine-glass of H olland giu.

Pdour in a bottle of plain soda, mL" up w~ll remove the ice an st:n·ve. ' • JULEP . (Use a large bar glass.) Same a s mint julip, without the fancy. fixings.

JULEP- Champagne. (Use a large bar glass:) One lump of white s ngar,

One sprig of mint, press to exti·act th e essence, Pour champagne into the glass•slowly, stiL·riug gently. D··esswith sliced ora n ge,gra pes a nd berries.tastily.and serve. . .

JULEP- Gin. (Use a large bar glass.) Snme as mint julip, substituting Holland gin for brandy.

JULEP- Mint. (Use a large bar glass.)

One tablespoonful of white pulverized su1mr. Two and one-ha lf ta blt>spoonfuls ot w>Lter, mix well with a spoon, One a nd one-h>Llf wine-glassful of brandy. Take three or four sprigs of f resh mint, and press them well in t he sugar and warer, un til the flavor of the mint is t\,Xtracted; add the brand y, aud fill the ·glass with fins shaved ice, then dra w out the sprigs of mint and insert them in th~ ice with the stems downward, so that the leaves will bt> above, In th" s ha pe of n bouquet; arrange berries. and small l)ieces of sliced orani:re on top in a tasty I1'Anner.

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