1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks
JULEP- Pineapple. (Fora partyofsix.) . The juke 1tf two ora nj?eS, One g ill of raspb.,l'l'.I' sr r up,
One g ill <•f murascbino, One gill of Old Tom g in, One quart bott le of spa rkling mo•elle, One r ipe pineapple, peeled, s liced a 11d cut np. P ut a ll the materia ls in a glass bowl ; ice, and serve in fla r g-IHsses, ornamented wit,h bcjr-l"i ~s in s~a.son.
JULEP-Rum. (Use a large bar glass.) :>arne a.s Mint Julep, s ubstit uting 8t. Croix or Santa Cr nz rnm for brandy.
JU LEP_!Whi1key. (Use a large bar glass.) · Same as Mint J'ulep, su bstituting whiskey for brandy.,
KNICKERBEIN. (Use a sherry wine-glass.)
One-third of a wi ne-gle.ss of \'1tnilla cord ia l, Tbe yolk a( one egg, w hich carefully cover wirh benedictine. One-thtrd wine-glass of knemmel, . Two drops of angost ur11. or Boker's bitters . .Keep colors separa te and the different portions from r nn. n111g into each KNICKERBOCKER. (Use a small bar glass.) One~half a lime or sm all lemon,. Three t easpoonfuls of r·as;.:,berry •:vru p, One wine-glass of San ta Cruz or St. Croix r um, Three dashes of curacn11.. h Sq~eeze out the juice of the Jiwe or lemon Into the g lass, add t e rmrl a~d the other ma.ter iA Is. !!'ill tye gln•s one-third full of fine ice, shake u p well. a nd stra iu iuto a cocktail glass.
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