1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



L.EMONADE. (Use a large bar glass.)

. 11lr.,e-qua r ters glagsful or shaved ice. Fill .w e b>tla nce witb. water; sha ke or st.ir well; dress with !rUtt, 111 8ea... "ion,_and serve w ith a ~traw. 'ro make this rlrink r.aste pleasant, it must be a t a ll times good and strong· there- forn take plenty of lem on juice at•d suga1·. '

LEMONADE- Egg. (Uso a large bar gla&s.) OnP egg, Uue cublespoon of"sugar, . Th" juice o~ half a lemon, ·

Fill threti-qua rcers of·t he J!lasHwith fine ice ; bala nce with water; use t ile sha ker unt il well mixed ; strain a iid serve ; grat.e a little n utmeg on top.

L.:EMONADE CORDIAL.. Ma ke a plain lemonade ; ornament with frui ts in season· then pour. in slowly one-half a pony of auy coi·diu.! preforred by the customer.

L.EMONADE; Fine for Parlie1. (Use a punch bowl, one gallon.) Tak e the rinds of eight lemons, Juice of twelve lemons, Rub t he rinds of the eight lemons on the su gar until it bas absorbed all t he oil from them, a nd put it wit b t he reurnin– der of t he sugar into a j ug; add th e lemou juice a nd .pnur t he boiling watei· over the whole. W bl'n the su gnr iti di;snlved, strain t he lemonade t.brough a piece of m uslin, and when · cool. it will be read y for use. The lem onade will b,. m u.ch improved b y having t he whites of four e~gs beaten up with It. A la rger or sma ller qua nt ity of th is lemopade iua.y be made b y iucreasing o i· d im inishing th e qua ntity of the in- gredients. 'fwo pounds of lo.if sugar, One gallon of boiling water.

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