1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



LEMONADE-Hot. (Use a large bar glass.) One tablespoon of sugar, . . Sevnn or eight dasq es of lP.mon JUICe. Fill up the glass with hot water,stir up wi th a spoon a nd ser ve.

LEMONADE- Orange. (Use a large bar glass.) Three-quar ters g lass of fine ice, One tablespoon of sugar, .Juice of one oran~e, One or two d ashes of lemon juice. Fill up with water; shake a nd dress with fruit. Ser ve with a stra w.

LEMONADE- Orgeat. (Use a large bar glass.)

_ One a nd one·half wine.g lass o f orgea t syrnp, One-h alf tablespoon ful of su!\'ar, S ix to eight d ashes of lemon Juice, · Three.qua rters glass of shaved ice, Fill the glas!< with wa ter. Mix up well and ornament with grapes, berries, etc., in season, and serve with a stra w.


One pound of ~nely powdered lc>a f sugar, Ope ounce of t arta ric or citric acid, Twen ty drops of essence of lem on.

Mix a nd keep V<-ry dry. T wo or three teaspoonfuls oft.h is stirred briskly in a tumbler of wa ter, will make a ver y pleas– a n t glass of lemonade. If effer vescent lemonade be d esired. one-ha lf.ounce of carbonate of soda must be added to the above. LEMONADE- Rhine Wine. (Use a goblet.) One tablespoon o f sugar, .Juice of one-half a lem on. One-t hird glass of ice. Fill up with Rhine win.,, 1'. r.:ss with fruit in sM.son and serve.

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