1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks
WE E M A N BROS. ' llA !{TE :'IDE RS' Gt;IDE .
POUSSE CAFE-Saratoga. (Use a small wi ne·glass.) One-fifth glnss of c111·Rcon, One-fi fth !{lass of bened ictine, One-flf t,h g lass of raspbe1"r y Ryru p, \ T wo-fift hs glA..•s of fin e old b rand y, One teaspoouful of vanilla cordial on top. - - ,- POUSS E L'AMOUR. (Use a sherry wine·gloss.)
One.qua r ter sherry glass of m a raschino; drop in. Yolk of one fresh P.J!~. One.qu\Lrter glass of vanilln (green) , · One-qua rter glass of Co!!nAc. Proper attention must be paid that the yolk of the ef{g do~s not run into the liquor, in order to ha ve it in its na tural for m
One quart of mild a le, On~ rda~s of w hite wine, One g lass of b 1-.u1d" , One i:;l1tS:J of ca pilla ire, O ne lt:ruun~
Mix th e a le, wine, brandy and ca pillaire togeth er with the juice of the lemoi. and a por tion o f t he peel pa red ver y thin. Grate n utm eb: on the l op, and a dd a bit of toasted bread
PUNCH A LA kO!'i'AINE. For a party of fifteen. One bottle of rum, One bottle of wine, Ten lemons, Two s weet oranges, Two pounds of powdered sugar, 'l'en eggs.
Dissolve th e sugar in t he juice of the lemons nd oranges, !'dding thA t hin rind of one orange ; strain t hrough a sieye mto a bowl, and 1tdd by d~grees t he whit.es oft.h e eggs, beaten to a froth. i>lace the bowl on ice for a while, then stir in briskly the rum and the wine.
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