1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



l PUNCH- Absinthe. (Use a large bar glass.)

One tablespoonful of sugar, One wine-glass of absint he, Juice of one·half 'I- lemon, One-half wine-glru>s of brandy, One tables poonful of orgeat syrup. Fill with ice, stir wit,h spoon, orna ment with orange, grapes and fruit in season. PUNCH - Apple. In china bowl la y alter nate layers of sliced apples a nd lemons, e!'ch la . er being thickly str ewed with powdered sugll.r until the bowl is ubout half filled; then pour a bottle of claret over the f ruit a nd let it stand six hours. P our it t h rough a muslin bag, and It is read y for use. One tablespoonful of sugar , dissolved in a little water. One or t ·.vo d ashes of lemon juice, · ·One wine-gla ss of Batavia arrack. One-half glassfu~ of fine ice. Sha ke well. Dress with fruits, and serve with a straw. I P.UNCH - Arrack ; Hot. (Use a hot-water glass.) One teaspoonful of su J:tar. On<1 or two d ashes o r lemon juice, T hree-quarters wine-glass of arrack. . Flll up with hot water . Stir well; grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. PUNCH- Arrack. (Use a bar glass.) One tablespoonful of sugar dissolved ·in a little water, One-half of a small lem on, . O'ne.qua r ter wine-izlass of St . Croix rum, One anrl one-half wine-g lasses of brandy. One piece of J?inea pple, One or t\VOslices of orange. . . d F ill glRSs wit h fine Ice. Shake well. Dress with fruits an serve with a straw. PUNCH- Brandy. (Use a large bar giaas.)

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