1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



PUNCH-Fish-House. (Use large glasses.) One table~poon of sugar, One-ha lf pa n. y of pea c h bra ndy, Oue-ha lf pony of Cogn>

I PUNCH- Imperial. One quart of punch. One bottle of cla r et, One bottle of soda water,

F onr tablespoons of powd end white suga r, dissolved in a little of the soda wa te r ; One-qua r ter teas poonful of gra ted n u tm eg. One liqueur g lass of m a raschino, ~~e~t~rn~~~~ 1 ;iPc~~no~ ~~~~1~ber rind . Put all t he ingredients in to a pitch er a nd mix well.

PUNCH - Imperial Brandy. Fora party of twenty. One ga llon of water, Three qua rts of bl'and y, One pint of Jama ica ~·um, , One a nd one-ha lf pounds of white sugar, Juice of six lemons, Three ora n l?<'S, sliced ; One p ineappl.,, par ed a nd .cut up ; Oi.e gfll of cu racoa,

Two gills of raspber r.Y syrup," Ice, and a dd b erries m season. , Mix the m aterials well together In a la rge bowl, and you have a splendid punch. ,

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