1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks


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PUNCH-Irish Whiskey; hot. (Use a hot water glass.) One or t wo lumps of S lll!ttl". I One ·or t wo dasluis of leuw n j,uice, One wine-glass of Irish whiskey, Fill up with hot water ; stir well. Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little n utmeg and serve.

PUNCH- Kirschwasser. (Use a large bar glass.) One-half tablespoon of SUJ?ar,

Two or t hree

Dress with fruits; serve wiLh a str aw.

PUNCH- Maraschino. (Use a large beer glass.)

One teaspoonf uLof pow

PUNCH- Medford Rum. (Use 3 large bar glass.) Fill glass with fine ice, Three-qunrters tabltispoon of sugar, Two or t hree dash es of lemon juice, One and one-q1rnr ter ghisses of Medford rum, One dash of J a ma ica r um. Stir well. Dress with frui ts. Serve with a straw.

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