1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



PUNCH- Royal. For a small p•rty. One pint nf g I"een tea (hot), One-ha lf pint of bm 11dy, One·l!alf p in t of J a nrnica rum. One wine-glnss of cu 1·acoa, One wine-g-la.ss of a.rrapk,

Juice of t,\•o limes, One slice or lemon, White sugal' to tastP, One J?ill or \\'A l'lll CA.If'• foot jelly.

To q e druu k as hot as possible.

PUNCH-Rum ; Hot. (Use a la rge bar glass.) 81tme as Irish Whis key, H ot, substituting rum for Irish wbisK~y.

PUNCH- Sautern e. (Use a large bar glass.) Same a s Clm·e t Punch, sub;ititut ings,.uterne wine for cla r et.

PUNCH- Seve nth Regim e nt. (Use a large bar glass.) One ta blespoonful nf • ugar, Two or til!'ee dashPs o f lemon juice, Oue wine-1?lass or bl'andy, Ono \vine-g la.s-3 o f ca.ta wba \vine. FJ,.vor with 1·aspbe1·ry s yrup. Fi ll glf" s wi th fi ne ice ; sha ke wei-1. DI"ess wit.h frui ts. Dush with J a ma ica rum and serve with a. straw. PU"ICH- Sherry Wine. (Use a large bar glass.) Fill the glass with fin P i'"'· Two wine-1?l1tsses of ehe rn·. Oqe tahlP•poonful of SUl!ll l', . 1'wo or t hree rlashes of 1 ... mnn .i nir·e Stir w~ll. '01°P•A wi"h frui ts H n

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