1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks
PUNCH - Canadian. For a small party. T wo quiirt.s of r ye whiskey, One µiuL uf Jamaica rum, Six lt:mu11s, sliced; Une pineapple, sliced ; Four aua rt.s of water. ::; weet" u w taste, a nd ice before serving. PUNCH-El Dorado. (Use a large bar glass.) One pony of bra ndy, un.,-biilf pony of .Tama ica rum, Un~-lml f pon y of bourbon,
Une ta blespoon of powdered sugar, di•solve PUN?H- Go\hic. (Use a punch bowl. ) Four bottles of still ca tawba wine, Onu uot.tl" of cla ret, One bott ltl of champagne, Th r't>e oranges, · •ren tiib lespoollfuls of sugar. Dissoh'e tbe suga r in the catawba a nd clArPt wines: add thtl juice of t he oranges. \¥hen mixed, put it iu ice fur an hour or m ore, a nd then add the ch~mµugntl. RHINE WINE AND SELTZER WATER. (Use a large bar glass.) Pnur in Rhine wine until th" glass is half fu ll, Add two sma ll lumps nf ice, F~ll the glass with seltzer water. IUCKEV- Gin. (U•e a medium glass.) T ,'Vo or three Jnmp8 of Ice. · Juic" of one Jim.,, One wine-irla.ss of gin; Fill the glass with vichy or sd 1 z.,r.
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