1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks
RICKEY- Whiskey. (Use a mediu m glass.) Same as Gin Rickey, substituting whiskey for gin.
ROCK AND RYE. (Use a w hiskey glass.) Put one-half tablespoonf ul of rock candy sy1:up in~o tbe glass a nd a Uow the customer to ser ve h imself with whiskey ; a tew drop~ of lemon juice may lJe aclded. Use only t h e b~st rock candy and t h e best r ye whiskey. This is a m ost excel- 1.,nt rem edy for colds and sor e throats.
RUM-Hot. (Use a hot-water glass.)
One or two lumps of loa f sugar, dissolved in a little hot water; One wine-glass of J amaica rum A small piece of butter . Fill the ba la nce with h ot water, stir up well witli a spoon. grate a little nutmeg on top a nc.l Sl!rve. RUM - Hot; Spiced. (Use a hot-water glass.) S> SANGAREE- Ale. (Use an·al e glass.) One teaspoonful of su gA.r, dissolved in a 'little v-~ter : Fill up wlr.h a le. · ~ Grate a little n n t.meg np Inn ancl Rei·ve. •
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