1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks


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SANGAR EE- Brandy. (Us.ea small bar glass.) T wo lumps of ice, Une-half wine~glas~ of water, One teaspoonful ofsugar, . One g lass of bra ndy. Stn· up well ~vit.h a ~poon; grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. Stram if desired. ' One-half teaspoon of sngar, dissolved in a little wa ter; One wine-glass of Hollaud gin, One lump of ice. Stir with a spoon. Put a bout a tellspoonful of sherry on top and serve. • - I SANGAREE-Porter. (Use an ale glass.) Same as Ale Sangaree, substituting porter for ale. SANGAREE- Port W ine. (Use a small bar gloss.) One or t'yo lumps of ice, One teaspoonful of sugar, One and one-half win.::-glasses of port wine, ShakA well; remove the ice ; grllte a little 11utmeg on top and serve. SANGAR EE- Sherry Wine. (Use a small bar glass.) SITTile as Port Wine Sangaree, s ubstituting sherry for port wine. SANGAREE- Whiskey. (Use a small bar glass.) Same as Brandy Sangaree, substituting whiskey for brandy. S ANGAREE- Gin. (Uoe a small bar glass.)

SHAKE- Brandy. (Use a srnall glass.) One tabl<'spoo nful of snJ?lll\ One wine.gins~ of cognac:, Juice of t.wo limes, • ~ Fill up the 1tlHSS" ith ftnH ice. Shak.e well and strain in LO a tnll, thin glass.

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