1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



SHRUB-Rum. To make nearly five gallons. Three .gallons of best.J•!·inaica Rum,

One qua r t of ora nge Jnw.,, One pint of lem on juice, . . Six pounds of powdered sugar, dissolved m sufficient \Va t.er ; Three pints of fresh m ilk . . Mix toge ther all bu t. t he m ilk. a.nd Jet t~Pm remam closely covered ov

SKlN- Brnndy. (Use a small bar glass.) On e lump of sngar,

One wh1e-g lass of bra nd y, One piece of l!'mou peel.

Rinse t he glass with bot wa te r, put. in the su gar, fill the glass ha lf f ull of boiling water, a dd the bra ndy a nd stir. ~erve with a spoon. All bnt skins a 1·e made in the sam e m a nner, su bstitu ting t\le desired liquors.

SKIN- Columbia. (Use a small bar glass.)

One teaspnn11fu l nf sugar, d issoh-ed in a little wa ter ; On e ~l ice of lemon, T wo or t h rt-e piece~ of broken ice, One wine-g lass of r um. Stir well wit7 a spoon ; grate a little nnt]lleg on top a nd ser ve.


I SLING- Brandy ; Hot. (Use a hot-water glass.) One lump of suga 1-. One wim·-g las8 of bra nd,·.

.Fill glass. two-tbirrls full of h ot. water ; stir well, add a piece <;if twi§ted lem o.n Pt>el a nd grate nutm t'g nn too. A ll hot. sling.a a re m a d!" rn t.he snrne m a nner, substitu ting the desired llquors. Slings, cold 1 a re m ade the 1

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