1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



Discol ve the quin ine in t.he • pirit b :v a id of a f'!ent1~ 1 h~a~ nd Jou r it o ver Lll~ ora nge peel. Arte r 1t bas b_t::t· 1.1 >l u 1'~ b ~., n.:Huain ur~di:;;turberl in a closl;)fVP.ss~ lffort t.'~ilt-d 11£ii~~ ~res: wine, a nd SL:t' up well ev

TI:..ree ounces o f bruised cinnamon, One ounce of V irginia. sna.ke root, Juice of one orange and one lemon1 1 Twentr- clove~,

Digest in ruin for t wo months.


F our ounces of gentia n, Four ou nces o f ornnge peel, F our ounces of columbn, F our oun ces of chamomile flowers, F ou1· ounces of Quassia, . One pounrl of burnt sugar, . Two a nrl one-half gallons of whisk ey, Let it stand for five weeks. Bottle the clear liquor. WINE BITTERS. One thin peel of'lemon,

One thin peel of bi tter orange, Three ounces ot good sherry, Two ounces of wa ter. Infuse.


' T wo d rops of oil of lem on, T wo drops of oil of caraway, Two droi:s of oil of absint he, Two ounces extract of licorice,

One-ha lf ounce of ex t ract of c-hamomile, Three pints of rectified spirit (60 0. P.), Three pi nts of syr up, VVater enoug h to m a ke t wo gallons.


Dissnlve the oils in the spirit, ilnd extracts in water, a dd bnth together at once, Ah ake violentl y for some m inutes; nex t add t he syr u p_ and t he r ema inder of t he water, a na a g1


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