1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks





One-ha lf pound of lemon peel, cut Rma ll: One-ha lf ounce of r.,nnel seed, in coars" powder' One-qua r t.er ounce of c:arda mon, One drachm of aniseed, Ope dracbm of cloves, Two gallons of proof spirit, Four pints of capilla ire. Macerate the peel and the po\\'rlns In the spirit for four– teen days, then press and filter, aml udd the capil!aire. Six ounces of ors nge peel, cut small; One drachm of cinnamon, One-hair drachm of mace, bruised; One drjj.chm of saffron, · . . One and one-qua rter ga llons of spirit of wine(14 U. P .), Two pints of capillaire. Macerate all together; in about twenty-one days draw off the liquor through a stra iner, and· press t he residue so as to r ecover an y of the liquor it may have retained; -mix both liquors, and filter through flannel. ,CURACOA.


Tb-irty-three ounces of wormwood, 'L'wenty-four ounces of refin ed sugar, Four ounc~s of juniper berries, One-quarter ounce of ange'lica root, One ounce of cinnamon ba1·k, Four ounces of orange flower water,

. Two and one-half ga llons of spirit of wine (11 U. P .). Bruise the sugar.. berries, \vormwood, etc., in an iron mor. tar and place them In a wide-mouther! jar: then a dd t he 01·· ange water and spirit. Shir them well t:ach day for a month then press and filter. ' EAU D'AMIS. Four oun peB" of figs,

Four ounces of raisin~. Four ounces of date~. 1 One oun ce·of e~sen ce of saffron Six drops of e~sPnce of be1'gAmot, Ten drops of essence of citron.


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