1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks


WEHMAN BR OS.' BARTENDERS' Gl"IDI;; . • ABSINTHE- Italia n Styl e. (Use a large bar glass.) One pony o f absinthe, '.fwo or t hree piect:S of ice, Two or t hree dashes of m ..rascbino, • One-ha lf pon y of a 1.isette. . . P our ice \".at"r into the gbiss ; slowly stir "-itb a spoon and serve. " ARF AND ARF," or Black and . Tan. (Use a large ale glass-> Tbis is a common English drink a nd m eans h a l f por ter a nd h a lf a le, but ~n t his counr.ry we use half old nle a nd half ne w. 11 is a lways best to ask the cusLomer how h e d esires it. BALAKLAVA NECTAR. (For a party of fifteen) Thinly peel the rind of on e-half of a lemon, sh re

BISHOP. (Use a larg e bar glass.) One tA.bleRpnnnfnl nf s11e:11,r, Two dashPs of lemon jnice, H alf the j uice of an ora nge. One squil·t cf St>ltzer ""Rte1·.

Tb reP.-qnart1'1· glR•• fi ll Pd with fine ice Fill the bnlance -,,·ith Rurg und y. ' Dash of J a m aica 1·11 rn Stir well. Dress wich fruit". a nd serve with a s~raw

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