1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks
May the pleasur-is of youth nevtir bring us pain in cit. •ge. Yuu may run the whole gamut of color P'nd shade. • A pretty girl-however you dress ht r- ls the J>rettiest thing that ever was mnrle, And , the last one is alwayo the prettiest. Bless her • ' May DamA Fortune AvPr smile- on you, But J1t>v1~r her dau~llLt::r- Miss Furtuue. OUR COUNTRY'S EMBLEM. 1 The Lily of France may fade, The '£histle a ucl ShaJ11rocK wither, B ere's to the prettiest, here's to the wittiest, Here's to the trutist of a ll who a re true, a~re's to the n eatest one. her e's to the sweetest one. Here's to them all in one-here's to you. Endless torments dwell about thee. ':{et who w ould live und livti wit.hout thee. ' Who does n't los" h Hr !wad "v"n for a m jn u te, Pl~ vs well t.h e gamP and knows lrnr limit, And still §ets all the fun there's in it. May our friends always posses h ealth', honor, and ha~· tfll... ~~ l. htt.Je h ealth . a. little wealth, A little house 11-nd freedom, '/l'ith some fe,v friends for cer tain ends, But littla cause to nt->erl 'em. And the uia-ht sha ll be filled with musie The Oak of England may decay, But the Sta rs shine on forever, llere's to the girl that's •trict.ly in it,
And r.he car es that inf~at the dny Shall folrl thAir t ent,s lil
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