1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks


AMERICA. "Onr hearts, oar h opes a r" all with thee, Our hearts, our hopt:s. our prayers , ....our teH.r S, Ow- faith, triu1nphant o'er our fea rs, Are all with thee, are all witi.h the*='."

ot those w e lov~ the ~est: Onr noblt, selvG> Her e's to a lpn g life and a merry one

l'he h ..a lth

A qnick d ea th und an easy on.,, A pretty girl and a true one , 1 A cold bo•,tlt> unr one.

ll!a:Yj good fortune follow you a ll y our daye, (Anti n ev.,r catcll np wlth ynu ). -An Irishman's Toaat. ,

A fig then for Burgundy , Clars t or llfountain, A fe\V scanty gla.sses m us t liniit your \Vish; 1 But h e's the true toper tha t goes t o th'e fonntaui. The d rinker tha t v.,riJy "drinks like n fish ! " -Thoma8 Ho<>;. auts no hber tries. • . He~e·s to the m erry old worlcl, An d the days-be they bri ght or blue-- Her e's t.o the F a t es, let t h eu1 brin~ wha u they m ay, But the best of them all-Tha ts you I To our F a t Friends : llfay th eir sh adows n ev<1r !?row lsse, Here's to yo~ in wine, good old wine ! I will b e yollr love and Y.ou will b" mine. I will b e con sta nt, you will bfl t rue, And I'll leave my happy hom e a nd everything for v~ -lw;t for a httle while


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