1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks
GINGER SYRUP, No. 2. Put two ounces of J amaica. ginger into a. qua.rt of boiling wa.~t", Jet it rema.iu twenty-four holll1!, closely covered; strain, and add t hree pounds of crushed sugar ; boil to a. syrup. LEMON SYRUP. Five gallons of gum syrup, • Eight ounces of tartaric acid (tincture) , One ounce of oil of lttmon, cut in one pmt of alcohol. SYRUP. Three ounces of powdered sugar, Three ounces of s weet almonds, One-ha.If ounce of bitter a lmonds, One-ha.If pound of powdered gnm arabic. Pound all toget her, adding a. little water, until it measure~ one qua.rt. Strain, and add two gallons of syrup. BLACKBERRY EXTRACT. Mash nice blackberries; strain through flannel; to onA pint of juir.e add : One pound of crushed sugar, One-ha lf ounc11 of ground cinnamon, One-qua rter ounce of mace, Two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar . Strain, and if dedired, add one-quarter gill of bra.lldy. ORGEAT 0
One onnc.., of oil of lemon. ' Forty-t>ight ounces of citric acid (tincturei. Six g " llons of gum syrup. Adrl enr"'<(h water to make twenty.four gallons.. Before mixin~h ~ut t.he oil in one pint of alcohol. Filter carefully thrnug cua.rcoa.l I
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