1913 Straub's Manual of Mixed Drinks by Jacques Straub

ЗТКАНВ’З MANUAL GRAPE JUICE CUP--Without Liquor. Juice of 2 Lemons. Juice ot 2 Oranges. 2 Jiggers Grenadine Syrup. Frappê and strain into Glass Pitcher. 1 Long Cube Ice. 1 Quart White or Red Grape Juice. 1 Pint Apollinaris. Sugar to taste. Dress with Fruit and Mint. Stir well with long spoon. GRAPE JUICE CUP-With Liquor For 6 People. Use Glass Pitcher. 1 Pony Brandy. 1 Pony Maraschino. 1 Pony Yellow Chartreuse. 1 Dash Grenadine Syrup. Juice of И а Lemon. 1 Long Cube Ice. 1 Quart Grape Juice. 1 Pint Apollinaris. Dress with Fruit and Mint. LORD LATOUNNE CUP Use Glass Pitcher. 1 Lemon Rind cut thin. 2 Jiggers Sherry. 1 Sprig Mint. И Dozen Maraschino Cherries. 1 Quart Claret. 1 Pint Schweppes Soda.


Stir Well and serve in Delmonico Glass.


Pony Martell Cognac. Pony Maraschino. 1 Dash Yellow Chartreuse. ( Continued I 1

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