1913 The Up to Date Bartender's Guide by Harry Montague

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In a medium size mixing glass. Dissolve I dessert spoonful of sugar in a little water and fill glass with shaved ice. 1 jigger brandy. Shake. decorate and serve with straws. .COBBLER. CLARET. In a large bar glass put: I teaspoonful sugar dissolved in a little water. Fill glass two.thirds full shaved ice. In a large bar glass put: I tablespoonful bar sugar. ' I slice of orange quartered. 1% jiggers sherry. Fill up with shaved ice; shake well; ornament with fruit and serve with straw. COCKTAIL. ABSINTHE Fill mixing glass % full shaved ice. 1 pony absinthe. I jigger water, poured in slowly. % slice of orange. 2% jiggers claret. Stir gently. serve with straw. COBBLER. SHERRY.

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