1913 The Up to Date Bartender's Guide by Harry Montague

rm: UP.To~DATl3 BARTENDER5’ euros JULEP. MINT. (Same as Brandy Julep.)


- JULEP. WHISKEY. Substitute whiskey for brandy and proceed same as for Brandy Julep." JOHN COLLINS. 6 lumps of ice in large bar glass. ‘2 teaspoonfuls bar sugar. 5‘ dashes lemon juice. 1 jigger gin. I bottle plain soda. . Stir well; remove ice and serve. L‘ LEMONADE. Fill large mixing glass two.thirds full fine ice. I tablespoonful bar sugar. Juice of I lemon. Fill up with plain water. Apollinaris or suitable carbonated water as desired. Stir; strain into lemonade glass; dress with fruit and serve. ' . -i.ii. LEMONADE. EGG. Fill mixing glass one.third full cracked ice.

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