1913 The Up to Date Bartender's Guide by Harry Montague




M; glass brandy. Keep the colors separate and serve. POUSSE CAFE. FRENCH. In small wine glass pour from a smaller glass: % glass maraschino. : I.6 glass raspberry syrup. s I.6 glass chartreuse. I.6 glass curacoa. 1.6 glass vanilla. 1.6 glass brandy. In pouring from small into larger glass use care not to mix ingredients—serve. PUNCH. BRANDY. Fill large bar glass three.quarters full shaved ice. I tablespoonful bar sugar. dissolved. Juice of half lemon. ' M; jigger St. Croix rum. 1% jigger brandy. 2 slices orange. I piece pineapple. Shake; ornament with fruit; serve with straw. PUNCH. CHAMPAGNE (two people). I pint champagne in glass pitcher.

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