1913 The Up to Date Bartender's Guide by Harry Montague




THE UP“TO.DATE BlmrmnntzRs’ cum:’; SKIN. BRANDY.


Fill whiskey glass jigger brandy.

full hot water..



1 . Substitute gin for brandy and proceed as for Brandy Skin. iii SKIN. WHISKEY. Substitute Scotch whiskey for brandy and pro ceed as for Brandy Skin. SLING. BRANDY. 1 teaspoonful of bar sugar in large bar glass. 1 jigger brandy. 1 lump ice. Stir; drop in a piece of lemon skin and serve with grated nutmeg on top. ‘’ . ii SLING. BRANDY. HOT. . Same as Brandy Sling. substituting hot water “for ice. SLING. SCOTCH WHISKEY. HOT. 1 jigger of Scotch whiskey in whiskey glass. 1 lump sugar. i i ' Twist piece of lemon skin on top and serve. SKIN. GIN.

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