1913 The Up to Date Bartender's Guide by Harry Montague

those below shown really are the standard ones. and with the manner of mixing them every bar man should be conversant. and ready to perform the service without hesitation or reference to his book: ' ComsuzRs. Rxcmzrs. Brandy. Gin. Whiskey. Scotch‘. Sherry. SANGAREE5. Claret. . Ale or Porter. COCKTAILS. Hot Rum. Brandy. Hot Whiskey. Gin. Brandy. Whiskey. Port or Sherry. Manhattan. SKINS. Martini. Brandy. Absinthe. Gin. Eccnocs. Whiskey. - Plain. . SLINGS. Cold and Hot. Brandy. FIXES. Gin. Brandy. Whiskey. Gin. Smnsm::s. Whiskey. Brandy. FIZZES. Gin. Gin. Whiskey. Brandy.

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