1913 The Up to Date Bartender's Guide by Harry Montague

nu: vr.ro.nns BARTENDERS. GU11)!’: ABS'INTHE—-ITALIAN Mmmm


In a large bar glass put: I pony absinthe. 3 or 4 pieces cracked ice. 3 dashes maraschino. M.» pony anisette.

- Fill up with ice water. stir slowly and nerve. ABSINTHE COCKTAIL Fill mixing glass % full shaved ice. % jigger water. % jigger absinthe. Stir; strain into cocktail glass and serve. “ARF AND ARF” (on BLACK AND TAN.) The English manner of making this drink is to mix porter and ale in equal proportions. In this country half old and half new ale are used, or porter and stout with ale. . Be governed by the customer’s preference. 2 dashes Angostura hitters. I teaspoonful Benedictine.

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ALE—1\IuLLEn. .Immersc a poker (or any suitable piece of iron)

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