1914 Drinks by Jacques Straub



Biding Club Cocktail.

1 jigger calisaya. 1 dash Angostura. 3 drops acid phosphate. Stir.

Bobert Bums Cocktail.

1 dash absinthe. Vi jigger Italian vermouth. % jigger Irish or Scotch whiskey. Shake well. Bobin Cocktail. 3 dashes calisaya. 1 jigger Scotch whiskey. Stir well. Serve with one cherry.

Bose Cocktail.

Va jigger orange juice. Vs jigger grenadine syrup. % jigger gin. Shake well.

Bossington Cocktail.

% jigger Italian vermouth. % jigger Tom gin. Oran^ peel. Stir well. Boyal Smile Cocktail. V2 jigger lime juice. V2 pony grenadine syrup. y2 jigger French vermouth. V2 jigger apple brandy. 1 white of egg. Shake. Serve in claret glass. Buby Cocktail. 1 dash grenadine. 1 barspoonful apple jack. % jigger dry gin. Shake well. Buby Boyal Cocktail. Vj jigger sloe gin. V2 jigger French vermouth. 2 dashes raspberry. FrappĀ§. 1 cherry. V2 jigger French brandy. V2 jigger port wine. 1 egg. % pony black coffee. V2 barspoon sugar. Shake and strain into claret glass and serve. Sabath Cocktail.

Salome Cocktail.

^4 jigger Italian vermouth. % jigger French vermouth. ^2 jigger dry gin. 2 dashes orange bitters. Frapp6 with 3 celery leaves.

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