1914 Drinks by Jacques Straub



Sajidy McEa.y Cocktail.

1 white of egg. 1 jigger dry gin. % jigger Italian vermouth. % jigger orange juice. 1 barspoon grenadine. Shake. Servo in claret glass. Saratoga CocktaiL 2 dashes pineapple juice. 2 dashes maraschino. , j 1 dash orange bitters. . ; , 1 jigger brandy. Shake. , n Scheuer Cocktail. Vi jigger Dubonnet. , % jigger Italian vermouth. Stir. ' ^ 1 dash Angostura bitters. Sherman Cocktail. % jigger Italian vermouth. % jigger rye whiskey. 1 dash absinthe. Shake. Sherry Cocktail.

1 jigger sherry wine. 1 dash orange bitters. 1 dash Angostura bitters.

Silver Cocktail.

2 dashes orange bitters. ''Jz jigger Italian vermouth. % jigger dry gin. 2 dashes maraschino. Shake. % jigger bourbon whiskey. Vz jigger French brandy. % jigger Dubonnet. Frappe.


Slome Cocktail.



Smith Cocktail.

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Vz jigger brandy. Vz jigger apricot brandy. 1 barspoonful creme do menthe. Shake. 1 dash absinthe on top. Society Cocktail. % jigger dry gin. % jigger French vermouth. 1 dash grenadine syrup. Shake. 3 dashes Angostura bitters. Peel of whole lemon. . 1 pint lemon soda. Use large glass and lump ice. Add a teaspoonful of powdered sugar. Serve. Soda Cocktail.




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