1914 Drinks by Jacques Straub



FIZZES. Amer Plgon Fouffle Fizz.

1 jigger Amer Pigon. 1 pony grenadine syrup. 1 ■white of egg. Shake, strain and All glass with siphon. Angostura Fizz. 1 white of egg. 1barspoonful of cream. Shake well and strain into fizz glass. Pill -with siphon. Bayard Fizz. 1 jigger dry gin. 1 dash maraschino. 1 dash raspberry syrup. Shake, strain and fill glass •with siphon Bird of Paradise Fizz. Same as Silver Pizz. Add 1 dash of raspberry syrup. Bismarck Fizz. Juice of % a lemon. 1barspoonful sugar. % jigger Angostura. ' Juice of 1% lemons. 1barspoon of sugar.

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Juice of % a lemon. 1barspoonful sugar. 1 egg. 1.jigger sloe gin. PiU glass with siphon. Shake. Brandy Fizz. Juice of one lemon. 1barspoonful of sugar. 1 jigger French brandy. Shake and strain. PiU glass with siphon. 2 dashes yellow chartreuse.


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Canadian Whiskey Fizz. Juice of % a lemon. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 jigger Canadian whiskey. Shake, strain and fill glass -with siphon. Chicago Fizz. Juice of % a lemon. 1 barspoonful of sugar. V2 jigger Jamaica rum. % jigger port ■wine. 1 white of egg. Shake, strain. Pill glass with siphon.

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