1914 Drinks by Jacques Straub



BMne Wine Puncb. 1 galloTi.

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Juice of 8 lemons. 2 ponies of brandy. 2 ponies of Curasao.





1pony of benedietine. 2 quarts Bhine wine. 2 quarts sparkling water. Sugar to taste. Boman Punch. Juice of % lemon. , ^ ^2 pony water. ^ 1barspoonful granulated sugar. % jigger rum. % jigger brown Curasao. % jigger brandy. Shake well, strain into goblet. Dress with fruit in season and add little port wine on top. Boosevelt Punch. Moddle % lemon. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 jigger apple brandy. y.2 pony water. Shake; strain into goblet. Dress with fruit and little brandy on top. Bum Punch. Juice of % lemon or lime. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 jigger rum. 1 dash brandy. Shake, strain into goblet and dress with fruit. Salome Punch. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 egg. 1pony curagao. 1pint milk. Shake and strain into goblets. Serve. Sautemes Punch, 1 gallon. ■ A \ I Juice of 4 to 6 lemons. mi 2 jiggers brandy. , i.,- i v.f 1 jigger apple brandy. "'f 1 jigger pineapple juice. i icir^ 2 dashes yellow chartreuse. • t 2 quarts sautemes. 2 quarts Apollinaris. * "'i' Sugar to taste. Dress with fruit.

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