1920 Drinks by Jacques Straub

elevator operators (day), elevator operators (night), head porter, head porter's clerk, porters (day), porters (night), baggage check room attendant, door men, garage attend- ant, lobby porters, back door man or timekeeper (day), back door man or timekeeper (night). Printed in handy size to fit in pocket. 4x9 inches. 55 pages. Stout paper cover. Price $1.00 The Fish and Oyster Book, by Leon Kientz, for many years chef of Rector's (the noted sea foods restaurant in Chicago), is a handy vest pocket volume, the leaf measur- ing 3x6^4 inches. In this book Mr. Kientz tells in concise manner how to cook practically every kind of fish that is brought to the American market ; and not only explains the method of cooking, but also the making of the sauces and the manner of service. Every recipe is given with its bill-of-fare name in English and its translation into the French. The recipes include also such dishes as frogs' legs, all kinds of shell fish, snails, terrapin, and the fish forcemeats. Also there is an appendix with specimen fish and oyster house luncheon and dinner menus, with and without wines. The book is indexed, printed on bond paper, bound in flexible cover $1.00 Economical Soups and Entrees (Vachon). This book was written in response to a demand for a book that would tell how to prepare savory dishes from inexpensive mate- rials at small cost ; and, in particular, how to use up left- overs ; by which is meant good cooked foods not served at a previous meal, and which have not in any way lost their marketable value in the sense of deterioration of quality, but which can be served in hotel or restaurant in the same appetizing manner that leftovers are served in well-to-do families. Mr. Vachon was selected to write this book because of his reputation as an economical chef. In it he has given recipes in particular for meat entrees of the savory order, stews, pies and croquettes, hash, salads and fried meats. The soups include creams, broths, bouillons, chowders, purees, pepper-pots and the like. It is two books in one, separately indexed, printed on bond paper, leaf 3x7 inches, bound in flexible cover. Price $1.00 Eggs in a Thousand Ways, by Adolphe Meyer, gives more reliable information regarding eggs and their preparation for the table than can be found in any other book. Is indexed and cross indexed so that any method of cooking eggs and any of the garnishings can be referred to on the instant. The book starts with boiled eggs. Then (following the departmental index in alphabetical order) are cold eggs, 79 ways; egg drinks, 22 kinds; eggs in cases, 25 ways ; in cocottes, 24 ways ; mollet, 79 ways ; molded in timbales, 29 ways; fried, 33; fried poached, 38; hard eggs, 32; miscellaneous recipes, 27; omelets in 210 ways; poached, 227 ways; scrambled, 123; shirred, 95; stuffed, hard, 34; surprise omelets, 9; sweet eggs, 16; sweet ome- lets 38. The recipes are in condensed form. The book is vest pocket size, 150 pages, printed on bond paper. . .$1.00 riC5 *n Waiter (John B. Goins) is the only pub- lished book that treats intelligently of the waiter's work trom bus boy to head waiter, for both hotel and restaurant requirements. The author has recently completed Part 2 v I? £ me ,

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