1920 Drinks by Jacques Straub



Mauser Cocktail

V2 jigger Italian vermouth. % jigger dry gin. 1 barspoonful apple brandy.


McCutcheon Cocktail

1 dash orange bitters. 1 dash Angostura bitters. % jigger dry gin. % jigger French vermouth. % jigger Italian vermouth. 1 dash anisette on top.

Stir well and serve.

McHenry Cocktail Martini cocktail with one barspoonful of Hun- garian apricot brandy. Shake well and serve. McLane Cocktail Same as Perfect Cocktail. Merry Widow Cocktail 4 dashes maraschino. % jigger French vermouth. % jigger Italian vermouth or Byrrh wine. Shake well. Metropolitan Cocktail % jigger French vermouth. % jigger brandy. 2 dashes Angostura bitters. Stir. Metropolitan Cocktail (Southern Style) % jigger Italian vermouth. % jigger brandy. 1 dash orange bitters. Serve. Millionaire Cocktail 1 dash orange bitters. 6 dashes Curasao. % jigger rye whiskey. 2 dashes grenadine syrup. 1 white of egg. Stir well. Serve in claret glass. Miller Cocktail Same as Colonial Cocktail. Milo Cocktail 2 dashes pepsin bitters. Vs jigger Italian vermouth. % jigger dry gin. Stir. Montana Cocktail % jigger French vermouth. % jigger brandy. 2 dashes port wine. 2 dashes Angostura bitters. 2 dashes anisette. Shake well.

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