1920 Drinks by Jacques Straub



Mint Cooler

1 bunch of fresh mint. Crush lightly. 1 lump ice. 1 pint imported ginger ale.

Moraine Cooler

2 jiggers Ehine wine. % lemon moddled. 1 lemon rind. 1 lump ice. % jigger curacao. 1 pint club soda.

Narragansett Cooler

1 rind and juice of 1 orange. 1 jigger bourbon whiskey. 1 pint imported ginger ale.

Orange Blossom Cooler

2 jiggers orange juice. 1 jigger gin. 1 small barspoon sugar. Collins glass. Fine ice.

Dress with fruit.


glass with seltzer.

Remsen Cooler

1 lemon rind. 1 jigger ,dry gin. 1 pint club soda.

Robert E. Lee Cooler

1 dash absinthe. Juice of % a lime. 1 jigger Scotch whiskey. 1 pint imported ginger ale.

Sabath Cooler

Vz jigg er brandy. % jigger vermouth. Juice of % a lime. 1 pint club soda with 2 or 3 sprigs of mint on top.

Sarsaparilla Cooler

3 or 4 round slices of lime. Juice of % a lime. 1 large piece of ice. 1 pint imported sarsaparilla.

Scotch Cooler

1 lemon rind. 3 large lumps of ice in Collins glass. 1 jigger Scotch whiskey. 1 pint imported soda.

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