1914 Rawling's of Book Mixed Drinks by E P Rawling



104 Hot Tom and Jerry. (For the punch bowl.)

In making drinks containing eggs it is always advisable to break each one separately in a glass to test it. A law requiring the date to be marked on the shell has not yet been proposed, and one "bad egg" will spoil the company it mixes with. Into a small bowl put the whites of as many eggs as required,and beat to a stiff froth. To each egg add a table- spoonful of sugar. The yolks should be beaten separately until quite thin, then poured into the bowl. Add a large pinch of bicarbonate of soda, and stir briskly until a stiff batter is obtained. More sugar may be required if not suf ficiently thick. Unless it is to be used at once, stir occasionally to prevent the sugar from settling.

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