1914 the Art of Mixing Them by A Connoisseur


Boston Egg Nogg. (A large bar glass.) Yolk of an egg; % table spoon powdered sugar; add a little nutmeg and cinnamon and beat to a cream; Vi pony of brandy; 1 wineglass of ice, 14 pony of Jamaica rum; 1 wineglass of Madeira wine; fill the glass with milk. Shake well, strain into a large bar glass, grate a little nutmeg on top. Bowl of Egg Nogg for a Party. For a 3-gallon bowl, mix as follows: 214 lbs. of fine powdered sugar; 20 fresh eggs, have the yolks separated, beat as thin as water, and add the yolks of the eggs into the sugar and dissolve by stirring well together; 2 quarts of good old brandy; 114 pints of Jamaica rum; 2 gallons of good rich milk. Mix the ingredients well, and stir continually while pouring in the milk to prevent it from curdling; then beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth and put this on top; then fill a bar glass with a ladle, put some of the egg froth on top; grate a little nut meg over it and serve. Brace Up. (A large bar glass.) 1 tablespoonful of white sugar; 2 or 3 dashes of bitters; 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice; 1 dash of lime juice; 2 dashes of anisette; 1 fresh egg; % glass of brandy; 14 glass of shaved ice. Shake this up thoroughly in a shaker; strain it into a large glass and fill with Vichy or Apollinaris water. Brace Up Saratoga. (A large bar glass.) 1 tablespoon of fine white sugar; 2 to 3 dashes of Boker's bitters; 3 to 4


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