1914 the Art of Mixing Them by A Connoisseur


Golden Slipper. Into a wineglass pour: jigger yellow Char treuse; 1 yolk of an egg, dropped in without breaking the yolk; V2 jigger Danziger goldwasser. (Popular lady's drink.) Golf Links High Ball. Drop 1 piece of ice into a high ball glass; 4 dashes lemon juice; 4 dashes pineapple syrup; V2 jigger Sweet Catawba or Angelica wine; Yg jigger whiskey; 2 dashes New England rum. Fill up with seltzer or Apollinaris water; stir and serve. Golf Links Punch. Fill large bar glass Yi ^"11 shaved ice; 2 tea- spoonsfuls bar sugar; Y2 juice of 1 lemon; % jig ger Tokay or Sweet Catawba wine; 1 teaspoon- ful green Chartreuse; 1 teaspoonful Jamaica rum; Vz jigger rye whiskey; 1 white of an egg. Shake hard; strain into tall thin glass; fill with aerated water; dress with fruit; grate nutmeg on top and serve. Grape Juice Highball. Use an eight or ten ounce glass, in which place the grape juice. Add a lump or two of ice and fill with Apollinaris. Sugar may be added if desired. Half-and-Half. (A large ale glass.) This is a common English drink and means half porter and half ale, but in this country we use half old ale and half new. It is always best to ask the person how he desires it.


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