1914 the Art of Mixing Them by A Connoisseur


Marchioness High Ball. Drop 1 lump of ice into a high ball glass; 4 dashes lemon juice; 4 dashes pineapple syrup; % jigger sweet Catawba, Tokay or Angelica wine; % jigger brandy. Fill up with seltzer or Apol- linaris; stir and serve. Medford Rum Punch. (A large bar glass.) Fill glass with fine ice; % tablespoon of sugar; 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice; glasses of Medford rum; 1 dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with a straw. Medford Rum Smash. (A large bar glass.) i/g tablespoon of sugar, dissolve in a little water; 2 or 3 sprigs of mint, pressed to extract the essence; glass of fine ice; 1 wineglass of Medford rum. Stir well; strain; dress with fruit, replacing mint leaves upward. Medford Rum Sour. (A large bar glass.) % tablespoon of sugar; 3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice; 1 dash of seltzer Irom syphon; 1 wineglass Medford rum; fill glass half full with ice. Strain and dress with fruits Milk and Seltzer. (A medium sized bar glass.) In serving this drink, half fill the glass with seltzer, and the rest with milk; if it is done otherwise you will have nothing but foam in your glass.


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