1916 Jack's Manual by J A Grohusko (4th edition)


2 teaspoonsful of sugar Juice of a lemon l / 2 glass of ice. Shake well and fill

trim with

glass with water,


Serve with straws. SELTZER LEMONADE. (Use large glass)

fruits in season.

2 tablespoonsful of sugar Juice of 2 lemons 4 or 5 small lumps of broken ice, then fill

up the glass with

siphon seltzer. Stir up well with a spoon and serve. SODA LEMONADE. 2 teaspoonsful of sugar Juice of a lemon 1 lump of ice 1 bottle of Club or lemon soda. Ornament with fruits in season and serve with straws. WHISKEY LEMONADE. Plain lemonade Float 100% Whiskey on top. Fruit. MISCELLANEOUS ABSINTHE (American style) Ya glass of fine ice 10% Absinthe Wine glass of water. Shake the ingredients until the outside of shaker is covered with ice. Strain in glass and serve. ABSINTHE DRIP 1 pony of Absinthe Fill the bowl of your absinthe glass (which has a hole in the center) with fine ice and the balance with water. Then elevate the bowl and let contents drip into the glass con- taining the absinthe until the color shows a sufficiency. Pour into a thin bar glass. AMER. PICON POUFFLE 75% Amer. Picon 25% Grenadine Syrup 1 white of egg. Shake, strain and fill glass with siphon.


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